Martes el trece #1

1) Adónde fue él cuando se rompió el brazo?
He went to the hospital when he broke his arm.
Él fue al hospital cuando se rompió el brazo.

2)Por qué llegó tarde él a la escuela?
He arrived late because he missed (perder) the bus.
Él llegó tarde porque él perdió el autobus.

3) Por qué pensó él que el miércoles sea (would be) mejor día?
Because his friend gave him good news about his wallet.
Porque su amigo le dio buenas noticias sobre su cartera.

4) Por qué recibió una detención en la clase de ciencias?
He received a detention because he talked too much (demasiado) in science class.
Él recibió una detención porque él habló demasiado en la clase de ciencias.

5) Qué comió él para el almuerzo?
He didn’t eat nothing for lunch.
Él no comió nada para el almuerzo.


My Morning Routine

Primero, me despierto a las seis y treinta de la mañana. Entonces me levanto a las seis y treinta y cinco de la mañana. Luego, me ducho y me visto. Entonces me arreglo el pelo y el maquillaje. Finalmente, me cepillo los dientes y voy a la escuela a las siete y treinta de la mañana.


Animal Dissections

I believe that animal dissections are important in schools so that the students may learn about the body systems. They help us understand where each body part is and the function of said part. After dissecting a worm in sixth grade a frog this year, I was able to understand the location of each body part and the function of the body part to help the animal to survive. I think I was able to understand more about the body because we did hands on experiments instead of just reading about it. Doing the actual experiment and seeing with our own eyes the different body parts was more fun to me than reading about it in a book.


My Science Project

This was the winner(:

For my science project, Kelsey and I took different sodas and put mentos in them and watched how high they exploded. I learned that in order for them to go higher, you needed to set the cap on top and let it explode. I liked how the soda actually shot up! I wish I knew more about what was different in each soda because we thought all the sodas mixed together would explode the highest when it really didn’t explode at all hardly. Coke Zero was the winner with a whopping 21 centimeters!!!


Mt. Fuji

Mt. Fuji is a mountain in Honshu, Japan.  Mt. Fuji is actually formed on an older volcano known as Kofuji. According to Buddhist tradition, Fuji rose from the Earth in 286 B.C. after an earthquake. The last eruption from Mt. Fuji was in 1707, however, scientists still regard it as an active volcano. I think, since it hasn’t erupted in 300 years, it will continue to grow flatter and eventually become part of Mt. Kofuji.


”Let There be Light”

According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the young Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to the most recent measurements and observations, this original state existed approximately 13.7 billion years ago, which is considered the age of the universe and the time the Big Bang occurred. In my opinion, God created the Earth. In the Bible, what God says, is done. Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”. He says, “Let there be light.” Then there was light. He created day and night. Then God said, ”Let the skies be separated from Earth.” And He created land and water. Honestly, I don’t believe that a ”big bang” created the Earth. I mean, a random bang just comes out of nowhere? Probably not. Come on, get real. Where would that bang come from? That gives you something to think about, doesn’t it?


Behind the Scenes of a Chemical Reaction

In a chemical reaction, we only see the results of what the chemicals do. But what actually happens that makes what we see, possible? During a chemical reaction, the atoms/molecules of two or more elements interact with each other, meaning the valence electrons of the atoms find “slots” to fill. Chemical reactions haven’t got to be huge, but just as long as the substance that is “left behind” is a new substance!